To view Ashton's current Calendar - Click Here!
Dec. 30 & 31 (NYE) 2011 Luckie's, Hampton, VA
Dec. 16 & 17, 2011 Karl's Cabin, Plymouth, MI
Dec. 9 & 10, 2011 Luckies, Hampton, VA
Dec. 2 & 3, 2011 Karl's Cabin, Plymouth, MI
Nov. 16 - 19, 2011 526 Main, Royal Oak, Mi
Nov. 11 & 12, 2011 Karl's Cabin, Plymouth, MI
October 1, 2010 Ashton Wolf Live in Concert,The Syndicate
June 19, 2010 Ashton Wolf Live in Concert, Greaves Hall
5/27 - 29/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
5/20 - 22/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
5/13 - 15/2010 Fat Cat's / Cincy, OH
5/6 - 8/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
4/29 - 1/5/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
4/22 - 24/2010 Fat Cat's / Cincy, OH
4/15 - 17/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
4/8 - 10/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
3/4 - 6/2010 Ernie Biggs, Branson, MO
2/18 - 20/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
2/11 - 13/2010 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
1/28 - 30/2009 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
1/16 - 1/15 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
New Year's Eve 2009! - The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
12/17 - 19/2009 Alligator Rocks, Naples, FL
12/11 - 12/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
12/4 - 5/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
11/27 - 28/2009 Belterra Casino, Belterra, IN
11/19 - 21/2009 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
11/12 - 1/2009 Gangsters, Newport, KY / Cincy, OH
11/5 - 7/2009 Alligator Rocks, Naples, FL
10/16 - 17/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
9/25 - 26/2009 Belterra Casino, Belterra, IN
9/10 - 12/2009 The Penguin, Columbia, MO
8/27 - 29/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
8/11 - 16/2009 Wisconsin State Fair
7/22 - 8/1/2009 Ernie Biggs, Branson, MO
1/09 - 1/10/2009 Private Concert, Chicago, IL
1/16 - 1/17/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
1/20/2009 Private Event, Chicago, IL
1/23 - 1/24/2009 Crown Uptown, Wichita, KS
1/30 - 1/31/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
2/5 - 2/7/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
2/12 - 2/14/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
3/2/2009 Sigma Kappa/Fryberger U of L, Louisville, KY
3/13 - 14/2009 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
3/20 - 21/2009 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
3/27 - 28/2009 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
4/2 -4/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
4/15 - 18/2009 Ernie Biggs, Branson, MO
4/30 - 5/2/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
5/8 - 9/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
5/29/2009 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
6/4 - 6/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
6/25 - 27/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
7/3 - 4/2009 The Penguin, Lexington, KY
11/29/2008 The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
12/4 - 12/6/2008 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
12/11 - 12/13/2008 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
12/18 - 12/20/2008 Rum Runners, Ft. Wayne, IN
12/31/2008 NYE, The Waterhouse, Peoria, IL
For more detailed information regarding Ashton's schedule please e-mail us at: